Bulldog Trailer & Plant Equip Security - Hitchlock
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The DM Hitchlock is an easy fit hitchlock for Alko and Albe hitcheads
AK7, AK9, AK10/2, AK13/1, AK21, AK26, AK160 and AK300

Hitchlock for trailers with standard Avonride hitches 12-15851 and 12-14304 (3.5 tonne trailers). Can be used hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a Bulldog Security Post.

Heavy duty Hitchlock for trailers with Bradley 3500 and Avonride 12-15851 hitchheads.

Heavy duty hitchlock for trailers with Avonride hitch head on 60mm shaft

Heavy Duty Hitchlock for trailers with Bradley Autoheads (rubber grip handles), models GA3500, GA2750 & D5050 with & without cappits.

Hicthlock for trailers with Knott KQ14 on P6E trailer 2004 onwards & Knott K20 hitch heads. Can be used hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a Bulldog Security Post.

Hitchlock for trailers with Knott KQ14 on P6E trailer pre 2004. Can be used hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a Bulldog Security Post.

Hitchlock for trailers with Bradley 05050 hitch heads on a 50mm shaft. Can be used hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a Bulldog Security Post.

Heavy duty hitchlock for trailers with Bradley Double lock D5050 hitch heads on a 50mm shaft (original 'D' shaped handle).