Bulldog DKS Alko Hitch Lock

Product Details
Bulldog DKS Suitable for Alko 3004 stabiliser hitch heads including the latest 2012 version. It also fits the Alko 1300 and 2004 models.
Versatile will fit hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a bulldog lock post.
Quick and easy to fit.
Ideal for touring as it is compact and easily stored.
Well proven high security drill and pick resistant lock.
4mm thick bottom channel encloses the hitch head and fixings.
Complete with dummy ring to restrict access to the towing point.
Sold Secure Gold Approval.
Insurance Approved.
The Mini Lock meets Police approved standards.
Secured by Design is the only form of Police approval for products in the UK.
Magazine reviews
Practical caravan guide to security-
"A clear winner very sturdy indeed, I would be happy owning one of these."
Practical Caravan Magazine-
"The attack needed to breach this lock could wake the dead. Its essentialy a super tough steel box, all the locks are enclosed and there are no obvious access points."
Auto Express Best Buy-
"There can only be one winner and our choice is Bulldog."
Caravan Club Magazine-
"It is one of the best out there"
Towergate Bakers offer £25 off Caravan Insurance against new applications and renewals of existing policies.
Product Video
Fitting Video [DKS.mpg]
File Size: 3.51MB
Data Sheet [Minilock Data Sheet.PDF]
File Size: 679.89KB
Caravan Hitchlock Identification [CARAVAN HITCH LOCK IDENTIFICATION CHART.pdf]
File Size: 1.27MB
Instruction [Minilock.pdf]
File Size: 285.64KB