Bulldog WW100B Winterhoff Hitch Lock

Product Details
Bulldog WW100B suitable for Winterhoff WS3000D (without latch) and WS3000H (without latch) hitch heads.
* Versatile will fit hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a Bulldog Lock Post.
* Quick and easy to fit.
* Ideal for towing as it is compact and easily stored.
* Encloses fixings when fitted.
* Highly visible red powder coated finish.
* Well proven high security drill and pick resistant lock.
* Includes top plate with added louvre for greater security.
* Anti crop washers incorporated.
* Complete with dummy ball to restrict access to towing point.
Towergate Bakers offer £25 off Caravan Insurance against new applications and renewals of existing policies.
Product Video
Fitting Video [WW100B HITCHLOCK.mpg]
File Size: 2.73MB
Data Sheet [Ww100b.PDF]
File Size: 546.23KB
Caravan Hitchlock Identification [CARAVAN HITCH LOCK IDENTIFICATION CHART.pdf]
File Size: 1.27MB
Instruction [WW100B Instruction.pdf]
File Size: 152.08KB